The Stars That Usher Evening Rose

"Wan night, the shadow goer, came stepping in." -- Philip James Bailey

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hello, I am still alive I promise. Been several months since I have graced this site. Mostly because I was getting tired of the blog and really had nothing to blog about. But now that I have had a few months away I am ready to make a come back, I hope. A few days ago would have marked the 3rd birthday of this blog but do to my little hiatus it now is almost like a rebirth. Hopefully I will start updating more often (atleast once a week) again.

This marks the start of my last week in Asheville. Hard to believe it is coming to an end. I have enjoyed my time here and if it wasn't for the administartion at UNCA I would have really enjoyed my time here. But thats a long story some of which I have talked about in the past.

Graduation is this comming Saturday and I am torn. I can not wait in some aspects (no more homework, not having to deal with this administration anymore, etc...), but in some ways I am dreading it (going to miss college in general, going to miss being lazy, etc...). Though I guess you could say college life is not completely over for me as I am going to take one more class at UNCC over the summer before starting work. But this is the end for UNCA and Asheville. Don't know when or if I will ever return and if I do return it will not be for anything related to UNCA.

This post is short as it is late and I am tired, but hopefully this is just the beginning of getting this blog up and running again.
|| Vespere Hesperian 1:40 AM