Wow, I guess I should post since its been nearly a month since my last one. I wonder if thats the longest I have ever gone. That is what having a break from school does to me I get totally distracted and this blog gets neglected because I half forget about it. So first things first Happy New Year to whoever reads this if anyone since I haven't posted in a while so I am sure some people think I have killed it(it being the blog). Also a heads up as I can't get spell check to work on my dads computer and there is probably a billion spelling and grammer mistakes since between the fact I can't spell and my trying to type fast I have probably messed up a throughout this whole thing. So I am saying sorry now in case it bugs anyone.
Anyway on Saturday, December 9th I spent half the day at Ergent Care and at the Emergency Room. I had been playing basketball with my half nephew and literally in about the snap of a finger I got a weird feeling in my chest and I released my heart and started to excelerate at a much higher than normal rate. It literally felt like my heart was trying to jump out of my chest. I bet my blood pressure at the time was probably 160 to 170 over 110 to 120 which is very high. I don't know if thats what it was but that would probably be my guess. I talked to some other family members on the phone which insisted that I got to Ergent Care. So my sister took me. By the time I had gotten there my pulse was still up at 182 (normal is around 80) despite a good 30 minutes had passed. At that point my pulse had felt like it had dropped from what it was at first so I probably was over 200 when it first started it. They showed me some tricks to help try and bring it down, which includes acting like you are straining to take a dump. This help dropping my pulse to 169 and then to 118. My pulse then stalled around 115ish which the doctor, though pleased it had dropped, was still not satisfied and sent me to the Emergency room. I then spent 2 and half hours there while they ran a bunch of test on me and hooked me up to a bunch of wires and such. One of the things they tried to do was literally stop my heart for a second. When the nurse first explained it she said "Ok, I am going to give you some medication that is going to make you feel like you are falling backwards in an elevator and your vision will start to go blurry around the edges. You might even lose conciousness for a second, but if you do you probably wont even realise it because you will come back so quick." So I asked exactly what the medicine did then to give me a feeling like that and she said that it slowed the heart rate way down. I then asked how much is way down and she said "Probably all the way down to zero". Well that wasn't what I wanted to hear. Course when they rolled the machine with the pads out and hooked me up to it that didnt exactly calm me down or anything either. So anyway she told me that the medicine took about 20 seconds from the time injected to finish its work. So with hesitantion I let her give me the injection of the medication. Well within the matter of seconds I got a feeling of my body weighing about 4 times it normal weight then my body went completely numb, but my heart didnt slow it actually excellerated up to 155-160 and my blood pressure went back up to 155 over 110. After a couple minutes my pulse dropped back to 110-115 and blood pressure went back to normal. So the nurse tells me we are going to try it again. So with even more hesitation than the first time I let her inject the medication and again I got the same feelings as before and again my heart rate jumped, instead of going down, to 155-160 with same blood pressure as before. So at this point the nurse leaves to go talk to the doctor since the medication wasn't working the way it was supposed to. After a couple minutes after my pulse and such had gone back to what they were before the nurse walks back in saying that the doctor wanted her to do it a third time. This time I put up alittle bit more of a fight but eventually gave in and again had the same exact result as the first two times. They then finally gave up on it. Thank God too because that is the worst feeling I have felt in my life. So anyway after about 2 and a half hours of them trying stuff they got my heart rate to hoover around 100 which was still high but they figured they could let me go home anyway. They gave me some medication to take for 48 hours to get my heart running smoothly again and released me. By that evening my heart rate was normal again.
That following Tuesday I went to the cardiologist and they told me that what happened to me was harmless and that it shouldn't really worry about it unless it was accompined by pain or labored breathing or if it started happing to me once a week or something like that. They also told me that if I does ever happen to me in the future that I don't need to go to the hospitial and to use the techiniques they showed me in order to try and slow it myself, but if it last for more than 30 or so minutes then call the doctor. On January 19th, I have to go have an echocardogram done on my heart so they can just make sure nothing is wrong. But other than that I should be fine so I am not that worried.
In other news, I am currently in Orlando and will be probably for another week and a half before returning to Asheville for my final semester of College. Also just found out today that I might be going on to Rome, Italy (a city i have always wanted to go to) in April of 2008. My parents are going, my Aunt Jessie, her boyfriend, possibly my sister Cathy and possibly my self would be going. We would fly out of Orlando to New York and from New York to Rome, Italy. From there we would board a cuirse ship and it would take us to Genoa, Italy then to Barcelona,Spain followed by Palma De Mallorca, Spain then to Tunis, Tunisia after that we go to Valletta, Malta then Palermo, Sicily and finallky back to Rome. Then we would fly back home. The whole trip probably would take about 10 days.
Anyway this is probably long enough and other than Christmas and New Year's there isnt much to post about. Neither of those days did really anything interesting happen other than the usual holiday type stuff. Oh and I went to Disney World on the 19th but again nothing really to post there.
|| Vespere Hesperian 12:30 AM