December is here, Christmas is 20 days away, so what does that all mean? It means it is that dreaded time of the year known as exam time. Finals are upon us here at school and thankfully I only have three this semester. Though two of them are going to be near torture and they are on the same day(Thursday). I finish Friday morning with my German final and then winter break will be upon me. I will be at Cathys for a couple days before leaving for Florida. Normally I would leave the next day but I am going to stick around to see William's basketball game and also to see Scott's concert both of which are on Saturday. But, the next couple days will be spent studying. Anyone want to trade?
Sunday my sister, Jeralyn, and her husband were in town for some friends wedding thing. So they came and visited with me for a little while and we also went and hung out at the mall because Jeralyn wanted to look for some stuffed animal thingy. After the mall they left and went back home.
How about them Florida Gators (12-1) on making it to the National Championship game. Even though most of my readers could careless about this stuff, its still a big deal for me as the Gators have a chance to do something no other college in history has done and that's win a Basketball and Football National Championships in the same year. Florida has already won the Basketball National Championship and now they are one win away from winning the Football National Championship. Though the game isn't until January 8th so I have just over a month to wait. Oh well, hopefully it will be worth it.
|| Vespere Hesperian 5:03 PM