I thought I had already posted since I arrived back in Asheville. Obviously I have not. Not much really to report to be honest besides the already stated obvious that I am back on campus. Classes have started and so far my hardest classes look like they will be Differential Equations and Thermodynamics and Statics (Meteorology class) with my other two being easier Synoptic Meteorology and German (especially German). Have my first test in German tomorrow as we move fast in that class, though it should be pretty easy.
Already have a first break coming up next weekend for Labor Day. Though I am going to do the weekend backwards and leave here Thursday evening and then come back Sunday afternoon so that way I don't have to take off of work.
Other than that the only thing I am really doing is watching Tropical Storm Ernesto which is eyeing Florida. For those that read my blog know that my parents live in Orlando which the current track of the storm has it going fairly close to them. Since it is not a strong storm they aren't going to leave but did go fill up their extra gas canisters just in case they need them if the power does go out. So I will keep an eye on that.
Also I am going to try and set up a collection of my summer vacation pictures to link onto here incase people want to see them. For people who read this that are friends with me on Facebook you can just go to my Facebook page and view them there as they are already up. My linking them on here in the next few days will before for any of those who may read this that don't have Facebook and still want to see them. So look for that in the next week.
|| Vespere Hesperian 8:11 PM
One Thing of interest that happened on the trip that I didn't post before was that William along with the help of his mother and sister made up a sang about Halloween using the 12 Days of Christmas song as the template for it. So this is William's new version 12 Days of Halloween, which I promised him I would post.
Instead of useing "my true love" William decided to use "ugly christian friend".
So the the line is "On the first day of Halloween my ugly christian friend gave to me..." All you have to do, like the orginial, is change the day number.
Day 1 - A Rotten Apple
Day 2 - Two Tootsie Rolls
Day 3 - Three Christmas Trees
Day 4 - Four Candy Corns
Day 5 - Five Smashed Pumpkins
Day 6 - Six Jack-o-lanterns
Day 7 - Seven Fun Sized Snickers
Day 8 - Eight Stingy Neighbors
Day 9 - Nine Lousy Costumes
Day 10 - Ten Rolls of Toilet Paper
Day 11 - Eleven Used Toothbrushes
Day 12 - Twelve Screaming Ghosts
So There you have it. Though I am sure he isn't the first to do it he still had fun doing it. As for me I leave Florida on Monday to head back up to Charlotte and then back up to campus on Tuesday for more training for work. My last Summer flew by, but summers always do. Overall can't complain to much, played some golf and got alittle better at it and had an awesome vacation.
|| Vespere Hesperian 3:45 PM