Almost three weeks since my last post. I am falling behind. Partly due to the fact that nothing exciting is going on, atleast nothing I felt that was worth posting about. But since as I said its been almost three weeks since that last post I figured I couldn't wait to much longer.
I am obviously back up in Asheville at school. Classes this semester actually seem to be better than I initially anticipated. Course I said that at the start of last semester as well. Once I hit the first round of test I will probably be ready to shoot myself again. Physics II atleast so far seems like the class that will give me the most trouble this time around.
Last weekend (weekend of Jan 13-15) William came up and visited. He has been wanting to come up here for a while and finally got his chance. Unfortunately due to the weather, which consisted of snow on Saturday, we were pretty limited on what we could do. So we just hung around on campus for most of the weekend. Hopefully next time he comes we will have better weather and possibly even more time to be able to actually go out and do something.
Now I just sit at work watching football. Happy that the Pittsburgh Steelers won earlier today since they are the team I am rooting for to win the Super Bowl and now watching Cathy's Carolina Panthers get their butt's kicked.
|| Vespere Hesperian 8:20 PM
Guess I should probably start off to saying Happy New Year to anyone who reads this even though I have probably already said it to them. Hard to believe its 2006 the 90s still don't seem that long ago. My New Years Eve night was lame, course I was kind of expecting it to be. I just sat around and watched tv and talked to some friends on the phone around the midnight hour. Today(being the 1st) we had a big New Years Dinner with a bunch of people over and we all probably gained a 100 pounds because of it. This was the first year in about the last 5 or so that I haven't spent New Years with my friends course from the sound of it theirs wasn't a hell of a lot better than mine. Though earlier in the day I got a call from one of my other friends in Charlotte inviting me to a New Years party at their place that night but since I am about 8 or 9 hours away from Charlotte I had to turn them down.
Anyway back a couple days ago my PS2 died again and I told my mom that when I got back to school I planned on buying a used one that is in better shape than mine that will last me till the PS3 comes out sometime next year. She told me that I should go ahead and look up places around here to see if I could find anyone selling them cheap. So she gave me a phone book and I started looking through making some phone calls. Cheapest used ones I could find where $100 and most places sold new ones for $150. Surprisingly my mom started to try and talk me into getting a new one instead. Then even more to my surprise my dad started to try and convince me to get a new one. Which it wasn't hard to convince me to get a new one since I knew it would be better and guaranteed to last me long enough. So that night I went out and got another PS2 so I no longer have to worry about my PS2 dying on me and having to get it fixed.
I also got my car fixed like my parents said they would for one of my Christmas presents. So the car should be good to go for a while now. Anyway I will be here in Orlando for another week as I will head back to Charlotte around the 8th or 9th before returning to Asheville on the 10th since classes start back on the 11th. Going to be another fun semester of classes. Get the shot gun ready (kidding of course).
|| Vespere Hesperian 12:48 AM