I have been lazy when it comes to posting on this thing lately. But, I am on break so I have an excuse. I could waste a couples hours of my time typing a long message for you to take like an 30 minutes to read talking about whats been going on since I last posted but instead I figure I will just hit on some of the more major points.
Friday morning (December 16th) after our little Ice Storm in Charlotte when Cathy totalled her car while driving William to school. They were crossing a bridge hit a patch of ice which sent the car out of control spinning toward the median which they hit sending them air born where the front wheels and underside of the car hit the guard rail blowing out both front tires and tearing up the underside of the car. They finally came to a stop facing the wrong way in the opposite lanes. Both she and William are fine they were just a little shook up afterwords, Cathy was even afraid to drive for a couple days. Anyway so because of the accident she had to go buy a new car and on Tuesday the following week I guess it was she went out and bought a 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis.
Friday evening we also had our Christmas and I got a box of chocolates, a long sleeve shirt, a gift card for FYE and a putting practice thing. My sisters and I went in together on getting Radio City Rockettes tickets for my parents for their gift so on Saturday afternoon we went and saw the Rockettes which both my parents really seemed to enjoy.
Then on Monday morning I was woken up at about 6:45am from William whining and begging his mother to let him stay home because he claimed he was tired. Well she obviously refused to let him stay home so he got mad and let the words "damn bitch" slip from his mouth. First off he was lucky as hell I didn't come out of that room and slam his ass against the wall and rip him apart. The only reason I didn't is because I expected Cathy to handle it so I was shocked when I never heard her jump on him. Well it didn't end there when he got home Cathy preceded to take him upstairs to privately tell him his punishment which basically included losing several of his things. Well he didn't like that and started mouthing off as he came back down stairs so Cathy then preceded to take more things away from him which did not seem to phase him as he continued to mouth off. Cathy even said at one point "if you keep it up your going to get smacked" and William then preceded to say "come smack me." Obviously Cathy happily did so more than once. William began to resist a little bit at this point that's when I started to walk over to just kinda watch over in case I felt things got out of hand. Which didn't take long as William's face began turning read with anger and he grabbed hold of Cathy's arms to hold them away from him and he continued yelling at her and I knew it was at this point that if I didn't do something then someone was probably going to get hurt so I told William to go to his room. Cathy said "Yeah, William go to your room." and he said "No". I then told him again "Go to your room" and again he said "No". I said "OK" walked over to him grab him by his shirt picked him up off the couch and literally dragged/carried him to the stairs where I told him to "get to his room and not to come out for the rest of the night". The only time he came out the rest of the night was to eat.
It is rare that I step in like I did that day. But, like I told Cathy the only times I will step in and take control of a situation like that is if I feel things are getting beyond her control or if it is effecting me directly. What bugs me most about it though is that she has already given William most if not all the stuff he lost back already and its not but a week after the incident. That kid isn't going to learn anything that way. If it had been me that kid wouldn't have seen any of that stuff for a couple months, and only would have seen it then if he had been on decent behavior over that time.
Anyway on Thursday my parents and I left to come down to Orlando. So I am now here in Orlando and will be until around the 8th or 9th of January when I will return to Charlotte before heading back to Asheville on the 10th. On Friday we play golf and I stunk as usual but still had fun. I also got one of my Christmas presents from my parents on Friday which was a new set of golf clubs and a new golf bag to go along with the clubs. On Saturday (Christmas Eve) we had our Christmas dinner early with my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and his daughter. We also played a game of Apples to Apples which is an awesome game.
Then on Christmas I got my other two presents from my parents which was one they are going to pay to get the tie rods replaced on my car over break instead of waiting till Spring Break or Summer Break since the tie rods could potentially be a safety issue. The other gift was guitar lessons for the computer so now instead of having to pay for lessons I can teach myself on the computer which I am pretty excited about since I have been wanting to learn but haven't been able to take more than the one class on it. After that I mentioned that we should go to the Movies. My dad wanted to see that Chronicles of Narnia movie (which I had already seen), I wanted to see King Kong and my mom wasn't interested as she was wanting to take a nap. So even though I had already seen Chronicles of Narnia I made a deal with my dad that I would go see that movie with him if he would go see King Kong with me. He agree so we went to the 12:40 showing of Narnia and the 3:30 showing of King Kong. King Kong I thought was awesome, the special effects were insane but I expected them to be with Peter Jackson directing it. My dad even seemed to enjoy it and he wasn't even interested in the movie to start with. Only complaint I have is some small oversights they made in the movie and also the movie felt really long. Yes I realize it was long (187 minutes I believe it was) but it almost felt like watching two different movies with the first half of the movie being different from the second half. Overall though it was an awesome movie especially for a remake and would definitely recommend it if you have 3 hours to waste.
|| Vespere Hesperian 1:02 AM
I haven't updated in a while. Mostly due to being extremely busy with exams and getting ready for Christmas.
Exams overall went really well. My Climatology exam was about what I expected so I figured I did fairly well on it. My Meteorological Instruments exam was a little more difficult than I expected but I seemed to have still done decent on it. My Physics exam was actually easier than I expected. I would say it was our easiest test we had all year and since I ended up with a C in there and I had a D going in then I easily must have gotten my best grade on it. I didn't have to take my Calc. II exam so I was able to leave campus on Wednesday afternoon.
Since arriving at Cathy's we have gotten her Christmas tree. We put it up and decorated it along with the kids help. We also put some Christmas decorations outside in the yard. Friday William, his friend, Adam, Cathy's friend Ken, and myself went outside and played some football. William and his friend beat us, but that was partially due to them being in better shape and having more energy towards then end and also once it got dark I couldn't hardly see the ball to save my life. On Saturday we went to the mall and did some Christmas shopping and I ended up spending about $400 which only about $80 of that $400 was spent on a present that I was getting for someone. The other large chunk of that money was spent on stuff that Cathy needed to buy. Reason Cathy couldn't pay of it was because she lost her license and therefore couldn't write any checks. Her credit cards are already over charged so she couldn't use those. Cathy on Thursday won her court case for child support against her ex-husband and will get about $4000 all together. So when that money starts coming in she will pay me back.
On Sunday I went to Jacqueline's horse back riding lessons since I knew I probably wouldn't have time to next week. A little while after her lessons the kids and I headed off to the movies to see that new "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" movie. We all seemed to enjoy it. I only remembered little bits of the book before going into the movie so I can't really tell you if it follows the book very well or not. The special effects were really good the only negative was the fact that the sword fighting seemed really fake as you could tell that most of the actors and actresses hadn't had a whole lot of practice of how to use one. But, overall I would recommend it. Once returning from the movie we headed off to the store to pick up some groceries for the week.
My parents are due in here on Thursday and will be here through the 22nd in which I will head back down to Orlando with them for the rest of my winter break. That is pretty much all the post worthy stuff I have unless you want to here about Jacqueline's non-stop whining which I figure you don't. I will try to post sooner next time than I did this last go around.
|| Vespere Hesperian 11:50 AM