Today has been a pretty busy day for me. I had a presentation this morning that didn't quiet go as planned, because Mac computers suck. The Mac computer they had in the classroom did not like the disc I had my powerpoint presentation on which I assume has to do with the fact I made the powerpoint on a regular PC. So I ended up having to wing it. Though it went ok, I was able to get just about everything I wanted to in anyway just without the visual. My professor seemed pretty happy with it so that works for me. Then later in the day I had my first final in my Oceanography class which I am pretty sure I got an A on it which will keep my A in that class. Therefore now all I have left is a small presentation on Monday and then I have to turn in my final for humanities by Thursday afternoon. Come next Friday I am out of here. My parents will get here around lunch time that Friday and we will get everything moved out and head to Atlanta in order to make a stop at the storage unit we still have there. Do not know what my parents plans are at the storage unit though. So we will stay that night in Atlanta at a hotel. Then I assume leave Saturday to head to Orlando. It will be weird leaving Atlanta to go home somewhere else, since Atlanta was home for 15 years. Hard to believe summer break is just 8 days away, time flies. But, before I know it summer will be over and it will be time to return here to Asheville in August.
|| Vespere Hesperian 6:23 PM
Winter is refusing to let go. Not that I am complaining I wouldn't mind if it was winter almost all year round. It is currently 33 degrees outside and snowing. So far it is not sticking to the ground or roads which I didn't expect that it would but it is sticking to the cars and they have a nice little coating on them. Snow is supposed to last off and on for about 8 or so more hours so ground accumulation is possible I guess especially if we make it to and below that 32 degree mark. Guess I shall see in the morning.
This weekend has been pretty busy so far with working on projects and papers. I finished the presentation part of my presentation but I still have to write the paper that goes with it as well as write the two small papers for my ATMS 241 class. So tomorrow will be spent writing, fun stuff. Anyway I am going to go now and watch the snow for a little longer and then get ready for bed as it is closing in on 3am.
|| Vespere Hesperian 1:50 AM
I figured I should probably go ahead a post something before I start hearing it from the two or three people who read this thing thinking I quit. No I have not quit the blog it is just that I really haven't had anything to post about and on top of that I have been pretty busy as the end of the semester nears. My group and I in my Humanities class have to give a test this Thursday and on top of that I also have a presentation to give in my Oceanography class on Thursday. I also have two small papers due Monday along with another presentation in Humanities to give that Thursday. Then of course I can somewhat relax. Feels weird saying that I can relax once finals week gets here, but that is because I only have one final and that is in Humanities and it is take home open note and open book exam so I figure that I do not have to much to stress about that week.
Then I get to head home which is now Orlando. Because my parents have moved to Orlando it means that this summer has the potential to be the most boring summer I have ever had. I do not have any friends down there and chance of me making any friends in Orlando is slim to none. Reason being is the neighborhood my parents have moved into is a 55 or older neighborhood so finding a friend isn't likely. Hell I am not even really allowed to be there all summer but my parents are good friends with the people who run the place and they said they would just look the other way as long as I didn't cause any problems. Don't think they have to worry about me causing problems I do not even have anyone to cause problems with. To top it all off I might not even be able to work since it could hurt my chance at in-state residence for school, I have to talk to the residency people about it. My parents are going to get a couple season passes for Magic Kingdom as well as Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures. But those really do not do me a whole lot of good either as it is not like I have anyone to go with. So yeah this summer I could potentially end up just laying on my ass doing nothing except maybe playing golf once and a while since my parents have a membership to the golf course there in their neighborhood since they live there. Only big positives of the summer getting here is seeing my parents since I haven't seen them since before they moved (though the enjoyment of seeing them will last all but about a week when the put me to work or get on my nerves since I wont really be able to get away from them.) That and I get to see Clancy again. Now that he is 13 and with his recent back problems for all I know this could be my last summer with him and I will definitely have plenty of time to spend with him. But other than those things it definitely has the potential to be a really crappy summer. I am sure within a month I will be begging for school to start again.
|| Vespere Hesperian 1:04 PM
Sunday night was torture. I could not fall asleep if my life had depended on it. I went to bed at 1:30am and the last of the many times I looked at the clock it was 5:58am. I took me over 4 and half hours to fall asleep. All I can say is I better not repeat that feat again tonight because I couldn't take that again. Because of how long it took me to fall asleep I decided to skip my Calc. II class this morning, since it will not hurt me, and get that extra hour of sleep.
Now that it is after midnight it is officially Clancy's birthday. He turns 13 years old today. As for Clancy he is doing well my parents say that he is playing now and running around again. They still will not let him jump up on furniture though. Hard to believe he is 13. Here is to hoping he has no more problems with his back in the next year and makes it to age 14. For now though I am going to go to bed as I am beyond exhausted from last night.
|| Vespere Hesperian 11:06 PM
I figured when I posted that first dream that it would be the only one since I almost never have weird dreams and now here I go about to post my third one. Since then it seems I have another really weird dream about ever two months. I only remember three sections of this dream, I am not sure if that is because I have forgotten the in between stuff or because the dream really jumped like this. But anywhere here is the dream.
First Part. My group of four people and I, none of these four people do I know in real life, were captured and were being held in some large building that was somewhat like a warehouse. We were being held with a bunch of monkeys and one really large gorilla. When I say large I mean large as in as tall as trees. Then the large gorilla escaped. I don't remember how he exactly escaped I just remember the dream shifting to him as he was leaving the building and took off running. He ran in the forest running along the road that lead to the building. Along this road there were search light stations in the tops of the trees and while the gorilla was running along the edge of this forest he took out each one of this search light station things on the side of the road he was on. He continued running until he made it out to a huge field where he finally somehow, despite his size lost the people following him. At this point the dream came back to my group and I who where now standing outside. It was as if when my dream was following the gorilla action still continued on as my group somehow escaped during this time. Anyway we were outside running away as fast as we could and just as we were coming up to this corn field several people on motorcycles came after us. So we took off into the corn field trying to lose them.
Part Two. My group and I must have lost them as we were no longer running and were standing at some other building that seemed to be abandon. Inside this building we found several weapons (guns, bows and arrows, swords) we each took a gun and each one just happened to be loaded. We then found a dead dog laying on the floor. We all stood around the dog looking at it and it looked like it had been there a while. Then out of nowhere two shots were fired in our direction and thankfully both shots missed all of us. We immediately took cover. We noticed that their were four of them that we could see so we split up and walked around trying to use our slight number advantage against them. I walked around one corner and noticed one of the men standing with his back to me oblivious to the fact I was only about 30 feet or so behind him. I opened fire and took him down before he even knew what hit him. I made my way around and met back up with the rest of my group who had taken out the other three men. We made our way to the exit of the building were we saw another dead body of someone who was not one of the four men we had just killed. We figured that it was someone who was taken out by the group who had attacked us. We decided for some reason that we wanted to change weapons. Everyone but me got new guns but this time I took a bow and some arrows along with a sword. We then made our way out of the building.
Part Three. In this final part of the dream I find the group and I in an open field surrounded by forest. To my right I see some more arrows laying on the ground somewhat behind a large boulder. I go over and pick them up. As I pick them up some guy comes out of the forest opposite me and starts taunting the other people in my group. For a reason unknown to me they did not shoot at him they just stood their looking at him. Then the guy starts running across the field straight towards me, though at this point I do not think he knew I was there. I try to get the bow and an arrow out to try to get a shot off at him, but before I could He was only 20 feet away from me and I knew that there was no way I could get that shot off in time. So I dropped the bow and took the arrow in my hand held it like a dagger and just as he got to me I jammed it as hard as I could into his chest. He looks at me and says "so that is how you want to play." He grabs his knife and slashes at me and I fall backwards trying to not get hit but I was too late and he caught me on my left hand and I fell to the ground. I grab my sword swing and hit him on his thigh. He falls to one knee and then slashes the bottom of my right foot and I then take the sword and jam it in to his stomach. He immediately keels over in severe pain and I remove the sword. I get up as best I can and begin to hobble my way over to the rest of my group. Before I made it to them I woke up.
Last night I also went and saw the movie
Sin City. Talk about an insane movie. It was pretty much none stop action from beginning to end. I think they thought up just about every way possible to kill people. The movie had several story lines to keep track of that for a while was confusing but as the movie progressed you saw how it all came together. It was kind of weird seeing Elijah Wood playing a bad guy though. A really fucked up bad guy I might add. Anyway I definitely would highly recommend this movie to just about anyone to go see if you haven't all ready. One of the more original films to come out in a really long time.
|| Vespere Hesperian 2:09 PM
I might catch some flack from someone with this post especially since the Pope just died. I was just watching the news and they were talking about something the Pope said, several days before he died, about the Terry Schiavo case. The Pope said that pulling the feeding tube was an excution. I thought about that for about a half second and realized that it made no sense. Some people would argue that taking the feeding tube out decided her fate sentencing her to death, but this argument holds no water coming from people who call themselves Christians. The Pope holds the highest position in the Catholic Church which means he is what you would consider a true Christian. True Christians supposedly believe that when someone dies it is their time to die and that God has called them to him. So following that philosophy if you had let God decide when Schiavo should have died then she would have died 15 years ago not just a couple days ago. Humans have kept Terry Schiavo alive these last 15 years not God. Therefore how can the Pope possibly call it an execution? What he should have been saying was, "It was about time."
|| Vespere Hesperian 9:38 PM
Michael and Matt got in here around 6:15pm or so on Friday evening and we soon after their arrival left to go get something to eat at "Cheeseburger In Paradise" I had the same thing I had before, matt copied me sorta as in he got the some thing but plain and Michael got their Caribbean Sandwich which he really seemed to enjoy since he continued to try to finish it off even after he was already stuffed. Matt made a mess out of his milkshake by spilling it all over the table and Michael and I got a few good laughs out of that. Of course Matt being himself asked the waiter about 30 billion pointless questions, I almost began to feel sorry for the poor guy(the waiter) after a while. Finally after leaving there we headed for the store to get a few items some of which were two six packs of Smirnoff one Black Cherry and one Watermelon. We then headed back to the room and hung out for a while before matt brought up the idea of going to Wal-Mart to see if we could find any good cheap movies and only Matt found anything he wanted. So we headed back to the dorm and got back around 12:30am and Michael and I watched a movie of mine called "The Great Santini" while matt messed around on the computer surfing the internet while watching a few movies that he had bought at Wal-Mart. Michael and I kept making fun of him because of how loud he had the headphones. Michael and I also decided to try once of each of the drinks we bought. The black cherry was ok but I did not like the watermelon at all and could not even finish the one I opened. So I told Michael that he could take the watermelon home with him since he seemed to atleast be able to handle them well enough to finish a bottle of it. After that we got ready for bed and talked for a few minutes before finally falling asleep. The next morning we woke up to find that the Pope John Paul II had passed away. Matt found it very amusing that on the Spanish channels they called him Juan Pablo II. After a few minutes we left the room to head to the cafe to get some breakfast only to find that they had closed early for some reason. So instead we decided to head to the mall. We walked around the mall for a little bit making our way to the food court were we got something to eat. Matt and I had Chick-fil-A and Michael got Mandarin Express or something like that. Once we left the mall we went back to campus and I showed Michael around the place. He seemed to really like the campus because of all of the trees which gave it a wilderness feel to the whole place. Which is one thing that brought me here was the fact that this campus is very secluded and you could easily drive by it, if it was not for the signs, and never know the campus was right next to you. While walking around we went in the Library and went downstairs where you can rent DVD's and such and Michael found a whole bunch of his weird movies that he watches that he has either seen or has been wanting to see. So I am sure the next time he comes up he will probably make a trip back over there and probably rent one or two of them. Afterwards we decided to go to Blockbuster and look through their movies since Matt would get a 20% discount on them since he works at one. I ended up getting "Blue Collar Comedy Tour 'Rides Again'" since I have the first one. From there we went to the store to replace the Watermelon drinks and this time got the Green Apple ones. We headed back to the room and watched "First Daughter" that Matt had rented so Michael could watch it. The movie started out very corny but as it went on it got better but over all it was just an ok movie as it had pretty much the same story line of a million movies before it. While watching the movie I happened to look in the "Blue Collar Comedy Tour 'Rides Again'" case only to notice that the correct movie wasn't in the case the movie "Hooisers" was actually in the case. So once the movie finished Matt and I quickly ran over to Blockbuster to fix their mistake. When we returned Matt left and went and watched some show on VH1 about Green Day while Michael and I started watching "Blue Collar Comedy Tour 'Rides Again'" and broke out some of the drinks. The movie was decent not as good as the first one but had its good moments. After that one ended Michael and I watched the first "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" movie. About a third of the way through that movie Matt walks back in the room claiming that he feels like shit and lays down in the bed only to get up a few minutes later and go throw up in the bathroom. By the time the movie had ended I had four drinks and was feeling it and Michael, only having two because of a headache, took this time to mess with me and make me fall off the bed or bang my head on the wall. Due to the fact that there was so much crap on the floor it made it difficult for me to walk around all that well. Eventually though the effects went away and the rest of the night we pretty much just sat around and talked until about 5am. When I woke up around 11:30am I think it was Michael and Matt were already up though I have no idea how long they had been up by that point. We then headed to the cafe to get some breakfast and this time they were serving. While there Matt ran into this older guy(Norm) that he knew from when he was still going here and Matt offered to give the guy a ride home when he and Michael left. We came back to the room and they packed up their stuff and left around 2:45pm or so to head home.
Last night this campus went nuts when North Carolina won the NCAA National Championship game beating Illinois 75-70. North Carolina is pretty much our parent school here so there are strong ties between us and them. It was during that game that I realized I must like to see people be miserable as I was rooting for Illinois to win just so I didn't have to listen to all these people around here making a huge ruckus over the game.
Tomorrow I sign up for classes and I have narrowed my schedule down to two choices only differing in one Class. First choice I would be taking my second try at Calc. II, Physics I, ATMS 320 (instruments used in meteorology), and Humanities 324. My Second choice the first three classes would stay the same but instead of Humanities 324 I would take ATMS 232 (Physical Climatology). Both schedules equal 14 credit hours which I figure is enough with Calc. II and Physics I on them.
|| Vespere Hesperian 11:33 AM