The Stars That Usher Evening Rose
"Wan night, the shadow goer, came stepping in."
-- Philip James Bailey
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
There was one thing that I forgot to mention in my last post. Hopefully my sisters don't know about or read this blog because they are not supposed to know this. So anyone who reads this post and ever sees one of my sisters remember not to say anything about this right now. On Saturday while my parents were looking at some furniture to go out on a screen porch (which before I knew the reason I was finding it odd that they were looking at it) they proceed to tell me that they have already bought a house in Orlando for themselves and that is why they are looking for this furniture. Of course this was kind of unexpected news so I didn't really know what to say at the time. I had known they were thinking about buying a house down there I just didn't think it would have been that soon. So now they own two houses in Orlando one of which they are going to put on the market in August I think it is. Though they still don't plan on moving down there for another year.
At work today I saw the typo of all typos. Someone had cut up some cucumbers and put them in container and put them in the refrigerator. And on the container it said "Cum 5/25 11:30". I stood there a minute trying not to laugh while shaking my head. Not sure what the person was thinking when they wrote that on there.
Also today since I have finished "The Face" by Dean Koontz I went out and bought his newest one that just came out today called
The Taking. I plan to take it with me to Florida this weekend to give me something to do in the evenings. I aslo went to
Andrew's school today to drop of Matt's CD's that he forgot at my apartment when he was here last. He showed me around the school real quick. They have some pretty cool stuff in there, though I do see why he likes the school some much because basically all the computers are Macs.
Also, this will probably be my last post until I get back from Orlando a week from today, unless I am able to find access to a computer down there which is probably unlikely.
|| Vespere Hesperian 5:51 PM
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Well today at work I got pissed off at a customer. The kinds of customers that I hate are the ones that think they know what they are talking about when they have no fucking clue. Anyway today at work these two ladies ask for salads. They ask for a different kind of salad than we normally put on the salads, which that is no big deal. But the first salad used up the rest of the salad we had out front so I went back to get more and came back and poured the new salad in the container up front. Then the one lady says she doesn't want the salad that she has because it looks brown. First of all you had to look to see any brown whatsoever. Second just because the salad has the slightest bit of brown on it that you have to look for doesn't mean its bad, I mean I have eaten salads with lettuce 10 times browner than that one was and I never had any problems. So then I scratch the top of my head with the side of my arm and they insist on me changing my gloves. So I had to change both of my gloves even though only one hand was even close to my head and I know it didn't touch it because I made sure of that. So then since I knew that the ever so slightly brown salad was not bad I went out of view of the ladies and asked my manager what I should do with this salad since I didn't know if he wanted to save it for later use, hell I would have saved it and used it on my own damn sandwich if no one wanted it. But he told me that I should throw it away because if I didn't then those ladies would probably bitch about it. Except he didn't say bitch. So I went to throw away the lettuce in the trash and when I did I made sure my gloves and the bowl did not come in contact with the trash can so I wouldn't have to change gloves or waste the bowl. So when I got back they immediately ask me to change gloves for the second damn time anyway even though both fucking times I hadn't touched a thing. So then I go to make the salad again and they start to bitch again saying no and that they want me to throw that bowl away because they said it touched the trash can which was bullshit because I made sure that it didn't touch the trash can. So by the time they asked me to do that I had already refilled it with lettuce which meant that now two bowls worth of lettuce had now been thrown away. A complete waste. By this point I am beyond pissed off with these ladies and knew I was on the verge of snapping on them and I knew if I snapped that I would get fired on the spot. So I then asked my co-worker to take over the ladies salads before I did something to get myself fired.
Of course, if the ladies weren't bad enough later in the day my manager started acting like an ass towards me. Our drink machine started making noises and he asked me to go fix it. So since I have worked at a different Subway before this one I base just about how everything works at this Subway on how things worked at the other Subway. So when I walked back there to figure out how to stop the noise I didn't know if just changing out the drink would fix it or if it had to be turned off first or whatever, since the other Subways drink machine didn't make that noise. So I figured I better go ask him just to be on the safe side so I did't screw anything up. And he gets all pissed at me saying I was making him have to make this customer wait (which was bullshit cause he could have finished the customer first). And he walks back there and says "All you had to do is change out the drink, how hard was that" and I said "I am not used to this drink machine because the other Subway I worked at had a completely different one, so I didn't know" and of course I am thinking "If thats all I had to do why didn't he just fucking tell me instead of bitching about having to make the customer wait when he didn't have to". Then once I finished that I start to walk around and he is at the sink cleaning something and says to me "Why don't you take out the trash. That should be easy enough for you". And I was like "What the fuck?" (Didn't actually say that part). So between all that I wasn't in the best of moods at work today.
One kinda good thing though is that on Friday I got my grades from last semester off the schools (UNCA) pipeline which is where all our information is at. And I got a B+ in Intro to Meteorology, D in Calc., A in Humanities 124 (The Ancient World), and a A in that Drama class. Which gives me an overall GPA of 2.83 now, which is a decent improvement.
Last of all my parents and I leave for Orlando on Thursday the 27th so unless I find access to a computer down there I wont post for about a week after Thursday.
|| Vespere Hesperian 11:15 PM
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Last night, being Wednesday night, I finished my book
The Face that I had been reading. While on the phone with
Anthelion I read the last 50 something pages. Finished it around 3:30am. If you like suspense type books that you can't put down then I highly recommend this book to you, I am sure
Anthelion would second me on that.
Tuesday night around 4am my dog woke me up whining at the sprinklers that he could hear outside. For some reason something told me to look out the window so I got up and looked out. I see this one girl running down the outside stairs of the apartment/condos across the street and once she turns the corner I see she is with a guy. They seem to be in their very early twenties. Both obviously drunk. They make their way over to the fence that separates there complex from ours. They come up to it and the guy jumps the fence. Then the girl attempts to jump the fence but once she reached the top she lost her footing and fell and landed on her ass. She tried again and this time with the help of the guy she makes it over. Next I hear him say ready and she nods and they both take off running along the building through the sprinklers. Then after a few seconds I see them come running back. At this time the guy grabs hold of the girl and pushes her into the sprinkler. Then they make another run back and forth before jumping back over the fence. Watching this whole thing made me realize even more so how big of losers not only I am but my entire group of friends are maybe with the exception of
Andrew "aka-God" since he has actually figured out the secret of getting a girlfriend that thus far has seemed to eluded the rest of us.
|| Vespere Hesperian 10:18 PM
Monday, May 17, 2004
Anyone who is thinking about getting NetZero HiSpeed, DON'T!! My parents just got it yesterday and it is by far the biggest piece of shit I have ever used. Instead of HiSpeed they should call it SuperSlowSpeed because it is about 4 or 5 times slower than regular dial-up, it takes about 3 minutes for a single page to load up some times longer, especially if your downloading something at the same time. They charge you through the tooth. Its $19.95 per month for one person for unlimited use to add any other people its another $90 dollars every six months. Talk about a rip off because to get everyone in the family unlimited use it cost more than it would to get DSL throughout the whole house. For the family members who don't get unlimited use you only get 10 hours a month for free. All in all NetZero HiSpeed in my honest opinion is the worst thing on the market right now. I don't recommend them.
|| Vespere Hesperian 12:47 PM
Saturday, May 15, 2004
I must be having a really boring summer so far since I never really have anything to post about. Course being almost an hours drive away from friends doesn't make it any easier.
I got my PS2 and my car back on Friday. The car cost me $172 which is less than first estimated so I can't complain to much. After getting the car fixed my mom and I stopped at the Mellow Mushroom in Peachtree City to get lunch. From there I went to Matts for the second time trying to get my cell phone charger and power cord. All he had found was the power cord so I am still waiting on my cell phone charger. Andrew was there watching the movie
Stuck On You. So I talked to him for a minute since I haven't seen him since early last month when he came to visit Matt and I at school.
My PS2 cost me $55.25 to fix and it works great now. I just have to hope it doesn't decide to have a relapse on me. That would suck.
Well now that I have bored the hell out of the extreme few who read this thing, I shall end the post here and go back to reading my book.
|| Vespere Hesperian 6:11 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Let see, not a whole lot interesting has happened since I last posted. So I will post about the somewhat interesting parts.
I started my first day of work at Subway on Monday. It didn't take me long to get back in the grove of things even though it has been 3 years to the month since I had worked at a Subway before hand. There are still a few things that I have to learn as in some things I have forgotten or new things that have changed since I last worked at one and have to learn a new cash register. All that shouldn't take me to long though. Most everyone that I have met that works there so far seems pretty cool. I work again Today from 11am-2pm not exactly a long shift but since they already had the schedule made and are just working me in I can't really expect much more than that right now.
I have also be reading a really cool book called
The Face by Dean Koontz. This is the second book by him that I have read the other one was called
Lightning. I would highly recommend both books to anyone. I seem to have, just through phone conversion by describing what is going on in the book, gotten
Anthelion caught up in the book as well and he isn't even reading it.
|| Vespere Hesperian 12:02 AM
Monday, May 10, 2004
This is probably going to be kind of a long post, but oh well. Hopefully I wont make it that boring.
Well since I last posted my parents and I went up to Charlotte for my niece's 5th birthday party. My mom let me drive her new car (which is huge because she never normally lets us touch her other cars) most of the way up there and then the whole way back. My niece's birthday party was Saturday and the beginning of the party was very boring just sitting around waiting. Then finally we got to the opening presents and eating cake part which Jillian (my niece) got several cool gifts. Her favorite gift seemed to be the art set that she got. After the cake and presents my 11 year old nephew William came up with the idea of going go-cart racing. So me, my dad, my brother-in-law (Thomas), My brother-in-laws brother, and my two nephews William and Jacob all went go-cart racing. Since Jacob was to small to drive the bigger go-carts by himself we found on track where the smaller kids could race and he won by lapping the whole field. Then we went over the main go-cart track where Jacob got to ride with his dad (Thomas) and Me, William, My dad, and Thomas brother all got our own carts. I started 8th out of 12 carts and already half way through the first lap I was up battling for 1st place with Thomas/Jacob. I went to pass him on the inside and he came down and hit me and spun me out. I did a 180 degree spin and William having no place to go hit me head on. So I had to wait for the entire field to pass by before I could get going again. But it didn't take me long to work my way back up towards the front. I got back up to 3rd place right on Thomas/Jacobs bumper by the end of the race. So out of our group Thomas Brother finished 1st, Thomas/Jacob finished 2nd, I finished 3rd, my dad finished 5th and William finished 10th. I was by far the fastest cart out their but since Thomas spun me out I wasn't able to win. Afterwords we went back to the house and ate dinner.
Then Sunday we met everyone for breakfast at IHOP. Thomas found two hairs in his food. Though for some reason he never said anything to the waitress about it. After IHOP we went back to my sisters to pack everything up and then headed home. We got back around 5:30pm or so.
Today has also been a busy day. Got up and then took my car down to get the door fixed from where they didn't fix it correctly the first time. I am also getting my antennae and dented finder where someone hit my car in the parking lot while at school fixed. After that my mom took me over to drop off my PS2 to get it fixed. Then stopped at Subway so I could see if I could get a job there. To my surprise they hired me before I even finished filling out the application. I think they hired me that quick because of my past experience working at a Subway back in High School. So they want me to start tomorrow and come in from 10:30 to 2pm. So we will see how that goes.
|| Vespere Hesperian 11:00 PM
Friday, May 07, 2004
I am home now. I got home around 8pm yesterday. Also took that Calc. Final yesterday and I think I did ok on it. Now just hope that I passed the class, it will be close. After I finished the Exam my parents showed up to help me move all my stuff out of the dorm since I couldn't fit it all in my car. My parents brought their new car with them, its fully loaded. It has the navigation, TV, DVD player, hookup for my PS2, different air conditioning for each section of the vehicle, 9 speaker stereo w/ subwoffer, 6 CD disc changer, voice activated mirrors, tinted windows, and just about anything else you can think of.
Last night I was playing my PS2 and after I had played MVP Baseball 2004 I decided I wanted to play NCAA Football 2004 and when I put the game in the PS2 started making all sorts of weird noises and then come up and said "Disk Read Error" and figuring it was just a fluke I tried it again and once again it did the same exact thing. I tried different games over and over again but kept getting the same results. So my PS2 no longer will read the games. Though it will still read DVD's and CD's. I called around and found a place or does repair work on game systems so I am going to take it in on Monday after we get back from my Niece's Birthday party this weekend in Charlotte.
|| Vespere Hesperian 12:17 AM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
The end is now in sight. Only one more exam left to go and of course it has to be the hardest one.
I took my Intro to Meteorology final today only took me an hour to take it and I think I aced it. Wish I had that much confidence going into my Calc. Exam. I just hope I don't fail it to bad. Though I did spend some time in the Math lab which helped increase my confidence because all of a sudden as if I had an epiphany or something I figured out how to do limits which it definitely helps to know how to do those.
Anyway I do get to go home tomorrow after the exam so that is a good thing because I am ready for a break. Now if I can just find a way of getting out of having to go to Orlando at the end of May so
Anthelion and I can have our party.
|| Vespere Hesperian 12:25 AM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Ok, well I finished the site today like I said I would. With some help from
Anthelion I was able to get a better template and change the colors to fit with my name and title of the blog.
Well as I sit here eating my Easy Mac at 3am in the morning writing this entry I realize that I haven't got a damn thing done today in the way of studying for my Calc. Exam. Oh well there is always tomorrow. So what did I do today, other than working on this site, then. Basically nothing just laying around trying to study and getting nowhere.
As for Tomorrow I have my Meteorology Exam at 4:35-7:05pm. Shouldn't need all the time to take it though. Plus tomorrow I have to make up for all the time I spent goofing off today and study for that Calc. Exam. So tomorrow won't be a fun day, but at least its over Wednesday and I can head back home to Atlanta for the summer.
|| Vespere Hesperian 1:46 AM
Monday, May 03, 2004
Does Anyone else listen in on other peoples conversations? I know it is not nice to listen in on other people conversations but sometimes you just can't help it. Like at dinner there were these two girls sitting about two tables behind me and I couldn't help but hear them say something about Victoria Secret. Then one of them speaks up and says yeah if she had a band its title and theme would be centered around boobs. Then the other girl goes "Yeah, I love boobs." They continued talking about how great boobs are for probably about another two minutes or so. They were talking quite loud too and you wonder if they have forgotten that there are other people around who can hear them. Whether they were joking or not I don't know, but I thought it was a strange conversation to be having in the campus dining hall.
|| Vespere Hesperian 6:05 PM
Well I have tried to make the site a little better looking with the help of
Michael though it doesn't have seemed to help any. So tomorrow at some point I will try to fix it again.
Today has been a pretty busy day though. Didn't even get up till 1pm. But, I have spent all day writing and thankfully finishing 3 papers for my Humanities class. Not exactly how I like to spend my Sundays but oh well. Though unfortunately I am not completely done yet. I still have exams to go and will begin studying for those. Luckily though I only have two Finals, my Intro to Meteorology class which I can easily pass without even looking at my notes or the book and my Calc. Final which is going to be a bitch. The Calc. Exam is Wednesday so that means I get to spend the next two days studying for it, since I need to pass it to pass the class. What fun. At least I get to go home right after the Calc. Exam.
|| Vespere Hesperian 3:18 AM
Well, I am not sure how
Michael talked me into making one of these but he did. So we shall see how it goes. Knowing me I will probably be doing this blog all wrong but I don't care.
|| Vespere Hesperian 2:24 AM